Within this section, you will find information related to the Parish Council, including details of current Councillors, minutes of meetings and financial information together with the rules and guidelines that help it to function.
North Curry Parish Council has 13 elected members who serve the community for a term of four years and is supported by a part-time clerk. It is a civil body, not linked to the church, and in England called a local council. It has many functions and powers, although some, for example the provision of public washhouses, are no longer realities
In North Curry, the Council has a sub-committee for Planning matters. This means that all applications for development are considered and commented upon by the Parish Council.
The Council has delegates on the Village Hall and Playing Field Management Committees as the landowner for each property. The Council also owns White Street Sports Field which it leases to North Curry Sport Ltd. – a management company.
Also, it sends a representative to Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) and manages the allotments. It owns and maintains various other properties including the village green and garden, and maintains the public footpath network of the Parish.
It also appoints the village Tree Warden and Flood Warden.
In 2006 North Curry Community Ltd., a Company set up by the Council, completed the refurbishment and letting of Town Farm Community Stable. For more detail, see North Curry Parish Amenities
The Council supports its functions by raising funds from the Parish by precept which is additional to the Borough Council Tax and always detailed on the annual tax bill. It is likely that additional powers will be given to Parish Councils soon so that the needs of our community can be met from within the Parish. The aim of this Parish Council is to preserve, maintain and develop services and facilities that enhance the quality of life for all residents
The Annual Parish Meeting, held annually in May, is not a Council meeting, but a Parish meeting of electors organised by the Parish Council and chaired by the Parish Council Chairman.
The Parish Council is run in an open and transparent manner and is keen to promote good communication.Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month with meetings of the Planning Committee on the last Wednesday. Both are open to attendance by members of the public. The Agendas are published in advance and minutes of both Council Meetings and Planning Committee Meetings are open for public inspection.
The latest Parish Council Accounts may also be viewed. For those who cannot attend meetings then please feel free to contact us in writing.
Please bear in mind that we are a small council with limited powers and very limited resources. The Clerk is the only paid employee and the formal point of contact. All councillors are volunteers who give up their time freely on behalf of the community and are happy to be approached with any issues. They will do their best to help, but no formal decisions can be made outside the regularly convened meetings.
The Parish notice board is located in the bus shelter, opposite The Bird in Hand in North Curry and has all the latest Parish Council meeting minutes and news. It also has a public area notice board on the right-hand side which promotes local events and activities.
You can read more about the evolution of the Parish Council in A Century Recorded. Follow the link for a list of Past Chairmen.