Temporary Road Closure: ttro576333W – Stanmoor Road, Burrowbridge

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=134995096 and the link for the Notice 2: https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_134995096_3739232_67051904ab.pdf
The order becomes effective on 18th July 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 22nd July 2024 and last for 3 days to enable Wessex Water to carry out supply separation works. 

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro576333W.

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network

Urgent Road Closure: – ttro363881W(TD) – Newport Road, North Curry

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent / emergency) road closure at Newport Road, North Curry which will commence on 24th June 202426th June 2024 (00:00 – 23:59) for a total of 3 days.

This will enable Wessex Water to carry out mains repair. This closure will be in force 24 hours per day.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site  is not permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro363881W(TD) 

Please visit one.network  https://one.network/?tm=139226729 where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue).

Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review.

Urgent Road Closure: – ttro452741S – WIM – Cheapside & Bow Street Langport

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent) road closure at Cheapside, Bow Street, Langport will commence on 14th June 202414th June 2024 (00:00 – 23:59) for a total of 1 day.

This will enable Wimpey Ltd to carry out works to clear damaged portico / stone pillar entrance at the Langport Arms Hotel.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site  is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wimpey Ltd on 0793 126 1645, quoting reference: ttro452741S

Please visit one.network  https://one.network/?tm=139138491 where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue).

Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review.

Children and Young People’s Plan

The new Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) for Somerset sets out the Council’s aims for 2024-2030 including how services and communities are accountable for children and young people and how they will work together to ensure the ambitions of the plan are achieved. Members of Somerset Youth Forum have suggested that the most important priorities are:

  • Having a better experience in education
  • Leading healthier lives
  • Help to improve your mental health
  • Living in safer communities
  • Building better relationships
  • Being prepared for adulthood

The Council wants to encourage all individuals under the age of 25 to share their thoughts on these priories via the online survey: https://forms.office.com/e/dNHr44HCfn