North Curry village website

This website has been designed to create better communication with and within the Parish of North Curry and is funded by the Parish Council. Here you will find not only information on all matters related to the Parish Council but much, much more. It is intended to be for everyone and all groups so please treat it as your website.

The aim is to involve as many people and groups as possible within the village and surrounding area, so that the site is constantly used and becomes the focal communication point for all activities and information. In order to achieve this, it requires regular updating and people prepared to provide information. We are also keen to encourage some to take ownership of their particular interest, by becoming an editor for those pages. So please contact us if you would like to get involved or sign up for our future newsletter.

As the site develops we will be adding more content so do get in touch to discuss your ideas, tell us what is missing or maybe just provide information. If anything you see is incorrect or of concern to you, we want to know about it.

Living in a rural village is like living with one big extended family. There are many people with different views, different interests and different ways of living. Some want peace and quiet, whilst others like to be more involved with their neighbours. North Curry is no different in this respect but it is a special place in so many ways and particularly so because it is where we choose to live and spend so much time.

The ultimate aim of the website is to reflect the multi-faceted nature of the village and help promote cohesion and a good sense of community.

Please note that all information included in this website is provided as a helpful guide and no endorsement of any organization, service or trade is implied. For Terms & Conditions when using this site please this link Terms and Conditions.