Somerset Levels and Moors Update – December 6th 2023

Current situation

Monday saw higher than forecast rainfall, with widespread totals of 50-60mm across Somerset. Numerous roads have been affected, and property flooding from surface water has been reported across the area. The impacts continue to be felt today (6th December), as water moves through watercourses and rivers.

For anyone affected by property flooding, please see the links at the end for information about accessing support. We would encourage residents to report flooding, so that agencies can coordinate and prioritise support and accurately record impacts.

Further rainfall is expected. Our field teams are busy inspecting structures and equipment, and ensuring assets are operating as expected.  Eight flood alerts are in place for Somerset, and we have teams on duty 24/7 monitoring equipment and river levels. Somerset Council Highways have closed the emergency flood gates on Cutts Road, New Road and Langport Road.

Axe / Brue Catchment

Pumps are operating at maximum capacity at Gold Corner. The Cripps river diversion is open, allowing the Brue to discharge down the Huntspill. River levels are falling in between high tides, but in some areas rivers continue to overtop banks into fields.

Parrett / Tone Catchment – Upstream of Langport

We can only operate pumping stations when river levels are low enough to take the water.

Currently, pumping is inhibited by high levels, and rivers are overtopping banks into the moors. The Yeo has peaked at Long Load and is stable at Huish Episcopi; the Isle at Midelney has peaked and is now falling, and the Parrett at Westover is high but stable. Pumping stations will operate when conditions allow.

 Parrett / Tone Catchment – Downstream of Langport

With river levels high, Hookbridge, Allermoor and Beazleys spillways are running. The Tone has peaked and is now falling, and the Parrett Flood Relief Channel (Sowy) is taking significant water. Pumps are running at Northmoor and Saltmoor, and pumping will resume at Currymoor when river levels allow.

Given the higher than expected rainfall totals this week, we are redeploying pumps to Elson’s Clyse to evacuate water from the Viewed Rhyne at Park Brook.

A road closure will be in place tomorrow (Thursday 7th December) from 8pm to enable installation of this pump. This will allow enough time for anyone attending the public drop-in event on Thursday to use Huntworth Lane to get home afterwards. We appreciate the community’s understanding and support.

Temporary pump deployment is being reviewed daily, with 24hr monitoring ongoing. We are undertaking preparatory work at Northmoor, should pumps be needed there. Temporary pumps remain in place at Currymoor and Saltmoor, as does the stable crossing at Northmoor.

 Public events

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s drop-in event in Burrowbridge. We are looking forward to meeting residents on Thursday night (December 7th) at Moorland Village Hall. We will be sharing information about actions we have been taking to reduce flood risk, our current operational response, and available support.

The event will be held at:

Moorland Village Hall – Thursday 7th December 2023 from 5pm to 7pm


Residents will also have the opportunity to speak with our partners including the Somerset Rivers Authority and Somerset Council who are also supporting the events.


A weather front is coming in tonight that will bring rain, continuing throughout the day tomorrow. The forecast is for widespread totals of 5-15mm of rain, with the possibility of 20-40 over high ground. South and East parts of the county will likely see the wettest weather. The forecast over the weekend is for more unsettled weather.

Flooding advice and information

Our advice to the public is to stay safe and not enter floodwater – just 30 cm of fast flowing water can move a car, and just 15 cm of fast flowing water could be enough to knock you off your feet.

What to do to prepare for flooding

  • Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for updates on flooding, to sign up for flood warnings, or to report flooding.
  • Go to or search ‘know my flood risk’ to sign up for Environment Agency flood warnings, receive information on the risk in your area and what to do in a flood.
  • Sign up for flood warnings at
  • Follow us on social media:

Or visit:

What to do during a flood

  • Stay up-to-date on weather information and warnings:
  • Report current flooding to the Environment Agency 24hr Incident Hotline 0800 80 70 60 (main rivers or sea), Somerset Council 0300 123 2224 (ordinary watercourses) or Wessex Water (sewers) 0345 600 4600
  • Get information on what to do during a flood from:

• Call 999 if there is a risk to life

  • Remember: Always stay safe. In an immediate flood emergency or where there is a risk to life, follow the advice of the emergency services.

Recovery from Flooding

  • For information on recovering from flooding, see How to recover from flooding – GOV.UK (


  • Somerset Council may be able to support with housing and welfare issues
  • Submit a detailed property flooding report at
  • Flooding is very distressing, and it is common for people’s emotional health to be impacted.

Somerset Talking Therapies may be able to offer help:

For all enquiries, or if you would like to be added to the distribution list for Somerset Levels and

Moors updates, please email